July 14, 2019

Dolores Cannon

Most people on the earth are caught on the wheel of karma, this means they've been living life after life after life, hundreds of lives on earth, making the same mistakes with the same people, creating karma and not working it out.

Getting rid of karma means forgive and letting go. Let it go, it serves no purpose. What did you learn from the situation? Anything happens to you in your life is a lesson. If you learn one thing from it then that's the purpose of it. If you didn't learn anything then you have to repeat it again. That's what karma is, because this's the school. You'll have to repeat the grade if you keep don't getting it right. Everybody has bad things that happened in life and that's part of the lesson. What do you learn from it?  Even if it's a negative connotation, there's always a positive lesson if you look for it. So you have to forgive that person,  release them and let them go.

You have to realised that when you came to this world, you signed contracts with people, you have to realise this is part of your plan when you come to earth, this is what you hope to accomplish this time. Visualise this person and say to them: "We tried. We really tried, and it didn't worked." and see yourself tearing up the contract and throwing it away. And when you do that, you say: "I forgive you, I release you, I let you go. You'll go your way with love, I'll go my way, we don't have to be connected anymore." Once you let it go, then it's their karma, it's not your karma anymore.

At the same time, you have to forgive yourself. Remember, it always take two people to create any kinds of situation.

Try not to make any more karma, because we don't want to drag anymore into the next life.

For anything I might have done, anyone I might have hurt, even though I didn't realize I was hurting them, I forgive myself.

Then another thing you have to do is to let go of fear, because fear is the strongest emotion that a human has. You don't understand something you're afraid of it, here it's paralyzing. The government, they're very good in planting fear into people, that's how they control people. Don't buy into the fear, don't listen to it. When you see news or newspapers, ask questions, think for yourself, don't give your power away to anyone. Ask questions like "does this make sense?" or "is there something going on behind it?" Then you have your own power and you'll be able to figure it out yourself. Release fear. All the whole new world we're going to is based on love. Love is the most important emotion. The new world is full of love. If you want to stay in the old world with all the catastrophe and the wars, then that's your choice.

Get rid of karma, get rid of fear, let light and love into your life, you'll see tremendous changes. At that point, nothing is impossible, there's no limitations, your mind is extremely powerful. You make yourself sick, nobody else does but you. If mind is powerful enough to create an illness then it's also powerful enough to heal you. The mind is so powerful that it can create anything that you want.

Dolores Cannon, specializing in past-life therapy since 1979.


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